Saving Grace


Acrylic on Canvas

Signed Bottom Center

When my grandmother passed, I insisted on having her furniture be passed down to me, (for my future home). The day we went to save her pieces, was the day the inspiration struck me. It happened while I was packing Grandma Pearl’s storage unit- all of a sudden, I saw it. The storage unit was this radiant yellow, with small orange doors. The facility is all of one story high, with thick lush trees draping above the tops; they appeared to be growing from the cube shaped garage doors. I came up with a pink color pallet, which I decided based off of a blossoming flower that I stumbled upon, within my college campus that spring. I was at the end of my last teen year, nineteen and painting for her. I wanted to capture all of the grace, spirit and beauty my grandmother had left behind within me, while representing for me, the journey to the next stage in my life.