The Chalice of the Spirit


Acrylic on canvas

Signed bottom right

The Chalice of the Spirit, is you, it is the human body. The Symbols on the outer entree ways are the Om signs. On the outer walls, closer to the center are the four elements. On the inner columns nearest to the entrence are the seven chakras. This piece is a very spiritual piece. It allows the viewer to emerge into the painting, through the passage way, and to really feel and think about life and the inner workings within themselves. I used Om signs to represent the calm understanding of spirituality. As well as the four elements, representing our Earth and how very precious it is. All of us are but mere reflections of  Earth and we must never forget how lucky we are to simply be alive. We must be mindful of this, always. The placement of the seven chakras were also put in, to deepen the mystical and inner message of this piece. Ultimately, it should speak to each individual differently and deepen the mystery that is life.